About me

I’m Marco Bramucci an operator in Cmplementary Medicine, a subject that I have always loved.

For five years I attended a Kung Fu school where, in addition to “external” (physical) practices, emphasis was given to “internal” (energetic) aspects of the martial art.

In 1994 I attended a course of Autogenic Training and started using it to improve my performances.

As the boundary between Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine is not so neat – both share the same theory and philosophy like the theories of Yin and Yang and Five Elements, gradually my interest towards Traditional Chinese Medicine grew. So, together with Kung Fu, I practiced Qigong, Taijiquan, Buddhist Meditation and other internal exercises like Ba Duan Jin.

Then I started studying specifically the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Professor Han Chaling, and subsequently Tuina massage and Acupuncture with Professor He Shuhuai, eventually getting diplomas in therapeutic massage Tuina and Acupuncture at the Istituto di Medicina Tradizionale Cinese Villa Giada of Rome in the year 2000.

I completed my studies attending courses of western massage at the Istituto di Scienze Umane, studying and practicing Swedish Massage and Lymphatic Drainage.

I deepened the practice of Buddhist Meditation attending for two years the meditation group led by Master Mario Thanavaro.

I continued the study and practice of various disciplines, both independently and with the help and supervision of teachers and masters: self-hypnosisrelaxation techniquesvisualization techniques, the use of dreams in order to increase self-awareness and well-being, eastern and western self-massage, Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga practices.

In 2004 I got the National Certificate of Tuina Operator issued by “Federazione Italiana Scuole Tuina e Qigong” (FISTQ).

In 2011 I attended a cardiopulmonary resuscitation course.

In 2012 I started again studying and practicing Qigong (Six Therapeutic Sounds and LingziShu) together with the study of Gua Sha, with Master Li Rong Wei.

In 2013 I got the certificate of Elastic Taping operator.

In 2015 I published my first book about the interpretation of dreams and their use to improve health and self-knowledge (see my website Usaituoisogni.com, Italian version only).

In 2016 I published my second book on self-hypnosis, Relaxation and Visualization Techniques (see also my website EasyMentalTechniques.com).

My books

